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Results from a qualitative investigation (N = 70 responses) and quantitative investigation (N = 472) indicate that WeChat Pay is relatively more convenient and advantageous and also offers relatively more security and privacy protection compared to the traditional payment methods. This study also examines how Relative Convenience, Relative Advantage, Perceived Privacy, and Perceived Security of WeChat Pay influence Continuous Use Intention of this mobile wallet among foreign users. Using a mixed-method two-phase design approach, this study explores the relative convenience, relative advantages, perceived privacy, and perceived security of WeChat Pay, as perceived by foreign users living in China and their intention to keep using this mobile wallet. Recommendations are also proposed by the participants and the study for the betterment of Indonesian Islamic education facing future similar outbreaks. Based on the three themes, the development of a qualitative conceptual map of teachers’ instructional barriers was finalized. The thematic analysis revealed three major findings regarding the barriers technological barriers, financial barriers, and pedagogical barriers affecting instructional activities in the two Pesantren. The interviews were conducted in the participants’ mother tongue to provide an in-depth understanding of their perceptions, ideas, and arguments regarding instructional barriers during the COVID-19 outbreak. Semi-structured interviews were addressed for data collection each interview lasted from 40 to 50 min. Seven invited participants with more than ten years of teaching experience agreed to participate. Within this study, we applied a purposeful convenient sampling in which the access was obtained through communication with the principals of two Pesantren. For the current study, a qualitative design within a case study tradition was implemented to investigate instructional barriers during COVID-19 faced by Indonesian teachers in Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren). Systems, a crisis that may become disastrous. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is currently the most potent threat to educational

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